East-West Drift

By Carl Goodwin in R

January 9, 2019

In Finding Happiness in ‘The Smoke’, dimensionality reduction and cluster analysis are used to see how different characteristics group London boroughs.

Dimensionality reduction is used here to visualise the grouping of UN members, for example five of the founding members, based on their General Assembly voting patterns. And by using animation, it’s possible to more easily see changes over time.


(cols <- wes_palette("GrandBudapest2"))
raw_df <- un_votes |>
  inner_join(un_roll_calls, by = "rcid") |>
  filter(country_code %in% c("GB", "CN", "US", "FR", "RU")) |>
    country = recode(
      GB = "UK",
      CN = "China",
      FR = "France",
      RU = "Russia"
    date = date_parse(as.character(date), format = "%Y-%m-%d")

from <- raw_df |>
  summarise(min(get_year(date))) |>

to <- raw_df |>
  summarise(max(get_year(date))) |>

Applying a sliding window to the roll-calls from 1946 to 2019 will make it possible to show the temporal changes.

tidy_df <- raw_df |>
  arrange(date, rcid) |>
  nest(-c(date, rcid)) |>
  mutate(vote_id = row_number(), year = get_year(date)) |>
  unnest(data) |>
  complete(country, nesting(vote_id)) |>
  mutate(vote = replace_na(as.character(vote), "na"), value = 1) |>
  group_by(vote_id) |>
  fill(year, .direction = "updown") |>
  mutate(variation = n_distinct(vote)) |>
  ungroup() |>
  filter(variation != 1) |>
  select(country, vote_id, year, vote, value)

wdow_df <- tidy_df |>
  as_tsibble(key = country, index = vote_id) |>
  nest(-vote_id) |>
  slide_tsibble(.size = 1000, .step = 250, .id = "slide_id") |>
  unnest(data) |>
  as_tibble() |>
  arrange(slide_id, vote_id, country)

Dimensionality reduction may be performed on each window. And the voting patterns are then visualised as a two-dimensional animation.

wdows <- wdow_df |>
  summarise(max(slide_id)) |>

slide_pca <- function(x) {
  wide_df <- wdow_df |>
    filter(slide_id == x) |>
      id_cols = c(country, slide_id),
      names_from = c(vote_id, vote),
      values_from = value,
      values_fill = 0

  pca_fit <- wide_df |>
    select(-c(country, slide_id)) |>
    prcomp(scale = TRUE) |>
    augment(wide_df) |>
    select(slide_id, country, .fittedPC1, .fittedPC2)

pca_windows <- map_dfr(1:wdows, slide_pca)

p <- pca_windows |>
  mutate(east_west = if_else(country %in% c("China", "Russia"), 
                             "East", "West")) |>
  ggplot(aes(.fittedPC1, .fittedPC2)) +
  geom_label(aes(label = country, fill = east_west)) +
  scale_fill_manual(values = cols[c(1, 3)]) +
  transition_time(slide_id) +
    title = glue("P5 Distance for the Period {from} to {to}"),
    subtitle = "Frame {frame} of {nframes}",
    x = "Principal Component 1",
    y = "Principal Component 2",
    fill = NULL,
    caption = "Source: unvotes"
  ) +
  shadow_wake(wake_length = 0.1, wrap = FALSE)
animate(p, fps = 5, end_pause = 10)

France and the UK, for example, have remained particularly close given their historical ties and geographical proximity.

The UN’s Security Council Veto List provides further insights on the changing profile of P5 voting over the decades.

url <- "https://www.un.org/depts/dhl/resguide/scact_veto_table_en.htm"

meeting_df <- url |>
  read_html() |>
  html_element(".tablefont") |>
  html_table(fill = TRUE) |>
  select(date = 1, draft = 2, meeting = 3, agenda = 4, vetoed_by = 5) |>
meeting_df2 <- meeting_df |>
    date = str_remove(date, "-(?:\\d{2}|\\d)"),
    date = date_parse(date, format = "%d %B %Y"),
    date = if_else(get_year(date) == "86", date_build(1986, 01, 01), date),
    vetoed_by = str_replace(vetoed_by, "USSR", "Russia"),
    Russia = if_else(str_detect(vetoed_by, "Russia"), 1, 0),
    China = if_else(str_detect(vetoed_by, "China"), 1, 0),
    France = if_else(str_detect(vetoed_by, "France"), 1, 0),
    US = if_else(str_detect(vetoed_by, "US"), 1, 0),
    UK = if_else(str_detect(vetoed_by, "UK"), 1, 0)
  ) |>
  pivot_longer(c(Russia:UK), names_to = "country", values_to = "veto") |>
  filter(veto == 1)

country_df <- meeting_df2 |>
  count(country) |>
  mutate(country = fct_reorder(country, n))
cols2 <- wes_palette(5, name = "GrandBudapest2", type = "continuous")

little_plot <- country_df |>
  ggplot(aes(country, n, fill = country)) +
  geom_col() +
  coord_flip() +
  scale_fill_manual(values = cols2[c(1:5)]) +
  geom_label(aes(label = n), colour = "white", hjust = "inward") +
    x = NULL, y = NULL, fill = NULL, title = "Most Vetoes",
    caption = "Source: research.un.org"

year_df <- meeting_df2 |>
  mutate(year = get_year(date)) |>
  count(year, country)

to_date <- format(max(meeting_df2$date), "%b %d, %y")

big_plot <- year_df |>
  ggplot(aes(year, n, fill = country)) +
  geom_col(show.legend = FALSE) +
  scale_fill_manual(values = cols2[c(1:5)]) +
  scale_x_continuous(breaks = (seq(1945, 2020, 5))) +
    x = NULL, y = "Veto Count", fill = NULL,
    title = glue("Security Council Vetoes to {to_date}")
  ) +
  theme(axis.text.x = element_text(angle = 45, hjust = 1))

layout <- "AAB"
big_plot + little_plot + plot_layout(design = layout)

R Toolbox

Summarising below the packages and functions used in this post enables me to separately create a toolbox visualisation summarising the usage of packages and functions across all posts.

Package Function
base as.character[2]; c[8]; conflicts[1]; cumsum[1]; format[1]; function[2]; max[3]; min[1]; search[1]; seq[1]; sum[1]
clock date_build[1]; date_parse[2]; get_year[5]
dplyr filter[9]; arrange[4]; count[2]; desc[2]; group_by[2]; if_else[10]; inner_join[1]; mutate[12]; n[2]; n_distinct[1]; pull[3]; recode[1]; row_number[1]; select[4]; slice[1]; summarise[4]; ungroup[1]
forcats fct_reorder[1]
gganimate animate[1]; shadow_wake[1]; transition_time[1]
ggplot2 aes[5]; coord_flip[1]; element_text[1]; geom_col[2]; geom_label[2]; ggplot[3]; labs[3]; scale_fill_manual[3]; scale_x_continuous[1]; theme[1]; theme_bw[1]; theme_set[1]
glue glue[2]
kableExtra kbl[1]
patchwork plot_layout[1]
purrr map[1]; map_dfr[1]; map2_dfr[1]; possibly[1]; set_names[1]
readr read_lines[1]
rvest html_element[1]; html_table[1]; read_html[1]
stats prcomp[1]
stringr str_c[5]; str_count[1]; str_detect[7]; str_remove[3]; str_remove_all[1]; str_replace[1]; str_starts[1]
tibble as_tibble[2]; tibble[2]; enframe[1]
tidyr complete[1]; fill[1]; nest[2]; nesting[1]; pivot_longer[1]; pivot_wider[1]; replace_na[1]; unnest[3]
tsibble as_tsibble[1]; slide_tsibble[1]
utils data[2]
wesanderson wes_palette[2]
January 9, 2019
April 29, 2022
4 minute read, 807 words
dimensionality reduction animation
See Also:
Finding Happiness in 'The Smoke'